A ribbon cutting was held Tuesday, April 30 to mark the official opening of the new Life University wellness station at Swift-Cantrell Park in Kennesaw. Life University is sponsoring this new fitness equipment which addresses environmental, social, physical and emotional dimensions of wellness that reflect one of LIFE’s pillars of success. This will encourage more people to play, exercise and socialize outdoors at the park and LIFE is pleased to be a part of this. Pictured are the Mayor and Council, Representatives of Life University, and members of the Swift Cantrell Park Foundation.
The outdoor wellness station is a complete fitness and body-weight training system designed to exercise nearly all of the bones and muscles. The system consists of five stations, 120 exercises, and can accommodate up to 14 users at once. Two additional stations will feature low-impact, functional exercises to help older, active adults stay fit, prevent injury, and maintain an independent healthy lifestyle. No fee to use the equipment. While the training system is not designed for children, you can see by some of these photos that they will be attracted.