Basketeers Service Learning
Dr. Alicea’s 5th grade Advanced Learning class partnered with students from Marietta HS in Dr. Rona Roberts’ sociology classes to collect baskets to give to women and their children who are starting their new beginnings as they exit the YWCA shelter.
Students said the idea blossomed when their teacher explained to them what the Basketeers program is doing. They are learning about families who need a safe place to go, such as the YWCA. Students wrote to local businesses, corporations, and schools, and even put up fliers in neighborhoods seeking donations. Dr. Alicea’s class goal was to receive AT LEAST 40 baskets because the shelter can house 40 women – they actually collected over 90 baskets with more coming. Two trips had to be made with both a car and a van to get all of these baskets delivered.
This is what champions are made of, and how they rallied to help women and children in need. Ms. Ebony Niblack, from the YWCA joined the students on Saturday, November 14, 2015, to accept the baskets for the shelter.
Every individual needs to know they matter and thanks to the hard work and dedication of these students and the outpouring generosity of the community, the recipients of these baskets will know they matter!
If you want to sponsor your own Basketeers Drive all you need to do is get your employees, friends, and/or family to visit the Basketeers website. Look at some of the themes for baskets, or design one of your own. Check out the photos page to see some examples of baskets that have been donated in the past. Start collecting the items for your basket now, put it together, and decorate it and drop them off at the YWCA at 48 Henderson St SW
Marietta, Georgia. Their phone number is (770) 429-2702.
Pictured above: Cheatham Hill’s students at MHS Basketball game, below Dr. Rona Roberts with Cheatham Hill students, Students collecting baskets and Ebony Niblack, YWCA with Dr. Monica Alicea, from Cheatham Hill.