Sponsored by the Marietta Kiwanis Club
The Marietta Soap Box Derby Race, sponsored by the Marietta Kiwanis Club, will be held June 8th in the parking lot at Marietta High School starting at 8:30 AM. It’s a great outing for the family and admission is Free!
Youth ages 7-17 years of age will come from all over North Georgia to Marietta to participate in the All American Soap Box Derby local qualifying. They will race their Derby Cars down a 500-foot hill at speeds reaching 25-30 mph to earn the title of All American Soap Box Derby-Marietta Local Champion. The winners of each division will also earn a spot to represent Cobb County and the State of Georgia in the Annual All American Soap Box Derby World Championship Race in Akron, Ohio in July 2013, where they will race against more than 500 local Champions from all over the world including Germany, China, Japan and Austria. For more information go to www.mariettasoapboxderby.com