On December 20, 2014, police officers and employees of the Smyrna Police Department partnered with the Cobb Street Ministries group to provide Christmas gifts for some children and families in need during the holiday season.
Cobb Street Ministries Director, Carol Pascal, met with Chief David Lee and other employees of the Smyrna Police Department to develop a partnership with the challenge to provide Christmas gifts, clothing, and other needed items for families who are in real need.
The effort of employees of the police department provided funds from their own pockets to purchase items that provided for specific needs to those who stay at Cobb Street Ministries. The department was able to collect more than $1500 dollars and used these funds to purchase needed items such as shoes, coats, socks, toys, and other items that may not have been available to these families if it had not been for the benevolent hearts of those who gave.
Cobb Street Ministries is a not for profit shelter that provides for families and children are who are homeless, displaced, or destitute.
A contingency of department employees met at the home to meet with families and provide bags and boxes of purchased items. It was a distinct honor to help others in need during the holiday season and we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Cobb Street Ministries and Carol Paschal for allowing the Smyrna Police Department to be a part of something truly special.