Starting the week with the KBA Business Expo and ending it with the ABA March 5 luncheon.  The Carribean celebrates Carnival today and tomorrow and Mardi Gras starts tomorrow (although I believe it has been going on all weekend in New Orleans).

Kennesaw Business Association Business Expo Slated for February 25
Discover the benefits of keeping business local
From painting services to money markets, insurance to local eateries, the KSU Continuing Education Center will be full of Cobb County businesses at the Kennesaw Business Association Business Expo on Tuesday, February 25. The event will be held from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

“The business expo is a great way to support local businesses that give back to the very community we live in,” commented Shelley Elder, President of the Kennesaw Business Association. “Through support of the local businesses KBA has been delighted to give thousands of dollars back to local schools and this is just one of the opportunities they have to share their business with the community and build on our 2020 theme of Clear Vision through the Kennesaw Business Association.”

The Business Expo is a free event and provides patrons a unique opportunity to see some of the local business leaders in a comfortable setting. It is also a way busy professionals can achieve greater productivity and efficiency while growing their potential customer base.
Visitors will find lots of free give-aways and coupons as Cobb businesses show off products, deals, services and upcoming releases of future products and promotions. The Expo kicks off at 4 p.m., on Tuesday, February 25, at the KSU Continuing Education Center, Room 400 – 3333 Busbee Dr NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144.

Light hors d’oeuvres and admission to the expo are free and for information on the event or to become an exhibitor, please contact JRM Management Services, at 770.423.1330, or visit the KBA website, at kennesawbusiness.org. You can also email Jonathan Jenkins at jonathanjenkins@jrmmanagement.com.

TUES FEB 25 COBB GENEAOLOGY SOCIETY General Meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the every month, except December at the First Presbyterian Church,189 Church Street, Marietta, Georgia. In addition to the main parking lot, FPC has 2 additional lots nearby.. . Please visit the CCGS website at https://cobbgagensoc.org.

THURS. FEB 27 TOWNHALL MEETING 6:00 PM. This is an opportunity for Cobb County Voters to learn about voting precincts, voting systems, and voting access, featuring Janine Eveler, Cobb Elections Directory. Hosted by Keli Gambrill, District 1 and JoAnn Birrell, District 3 on Thursday February 27, 6:00-8:00 pm at North Cobb Regional Library across from North Cobb High School.

SAT FEB 29 LEAP YEAR DAY Happens once every four years – and ladies you know what that means.  I grew up with Sadie Hawkins Day, which meant ladies could propose to the love of their life.  Ever since the Women’s Lib movement, this day has faded into the background!  Too bad – it was fun, and scary for some of the guys!

THUR MAR 5 ABA LUNCHEON 11:30-1:00 pm at Acworth Community Center, 4361 Cherokee Street, Acworth, GA, 30101. CATERED BY CARRABAS More information and RSVP at www.acworthbusiness.org.